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Perl 6 code in rmarkdown
Aug 13, 2018
6 minutes read

Note: In October 2019, Perl 6 was renamed to Raku. Whenever you come across Perl 6, replace it with Raku. Learn more about the path to Raku.


First, start off by installing the R programming language. After this, run R and execute the following command to install rmarkdown: install.packages("rmarkdown"). While installing rmarkdown, I got the following error message:

Error: .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'tcltk', details:
  call: dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...)
  error: unable to load shared object '/usr/lib/R/library/tcltk/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This was solved by installing the package tk and then proceeding with the installation of rmarkdown.

rmarkdown’s code chunks

Almost everything you can do with rmarkdown you can do it with “regular” markdown. However, one of the outstanding features of rmarkdown is its capability to execute chunks of code and spit back their results. To do this, rmarkdown make use of of the knitr package, an engine for dynamic report generation with R. In addition to R, it also supports other language engines which you can use to evaluate code from other languages. To list the name of the available engines, execute the command names(knitr::knit_engines$get()) in the R REPL. Just like “regular” markdown, code chunks can be created with three back ticks, followed by the code and ending with another three back ticks. If you want a code chunk to be evaluated, specify the language inside the curly braces ‘{}’, placed after the first three back ticks. For example, to execute Perl 5 code, one would specify perl inside {}:

sub factorial {
    my ($n) = @_;
    return 1 if $n == 0;
    return factorial($n - 1) * $n;

for (1..4) {
    print "Factorial of $_: ", factorial($_), "\n";

This would be processed as follows, with the result beneath the source code if any expression was evaluated:

sub factorial {
    my ($n) = @_;
    return 1 if $n == 0;
    return factorial($n - 1) * $n;

for (1..4) {
    print "Factorial of $_: ", factorial($_), "\n";
## Factorial of 1: 1
## Factorial of 2: 2
## Factorial of 3: 6
## Factorial of 4: 24

Options for the code chunk can be specified within the curly braces. For example, to prevent the evaluation of the code chunk you must set eval to FALSE:

```{perl, eval=FALSE}
my $name = 'Nemy';
print "Hello, $name!\n";

This prevents the evaluation of the code chunk and only the source code is shown:

my $name = 'Nemy';
print "Hello, $name!\n";

To hide the source code and still display its evaluation, you can set echo to FALSE:

```{perl, echo=FALSE}
my $name = 'Nemy';
print "Hello, $name!\n";

Only the result is displayed:

## Hello, Nemy!

There is a bunch of options you can specify within the curly braces. Here’s a small list of the ones I’ve commonly used:

  • engine - R by default. knitr will evaluate the chunk in the named language, e.g. engine = 'python'.
  • eval - TRUE by default. If FALSE, knitr will not run the code in the code chunk.
  • echo - TRUE by default. If FALSE, knitr will not display the code in the code chunk above its result in the final document.
  • collapse - FALSE by default. If TRUE, knitr will collapse all the source and output blocks created by the chunk into a single block.
  • comment - ## by default. A character string which knitr will append to the start of each line of results in the final document, e.g. comment = '#=>'.

Find more information about the different options here.

Perl 6 in rmarkdown

As of now, knitr doesn’t support a language engine for Perl 6. However, you can use knitr’s engine language extensibility to execute Perl 6 code chunks in rmarkdown by adding the following R code chunk in your file:

```{r setup}
eng_perl6 <- function(options) {
  # create a temporary file
  f <- basename(tempfile("perl6", '.', paste('.', "perl6", sep = '')))
  on.exit(unlink(f)) # cleanup temp file on function exit
  writeLines(options$code, f)
  out <- ''

  # if eval != FALSE compile/run the code, preserving output
  if (options$eval) {
    out <- system(sprintf('perl6 %s', paste(f, options$engine.opts)), intern=TRUE)

  # spit back stuff to the user
  engine_output(options, options$code, out)


This workaround was taken from here and here.

This will allow you to do this:

```{r, engine='perl6'}
say [*] 1..5;

However, instead of adding that piece of R code in every file where Perl 6 code is being processed, you can make use of the engine language for Perl 5 and change its path to the Perl 6 executable by setting engine.path to perl6. Then, you can process Perl 6 code by making the chunk header look as follows:

```{perl, engine.path='perl6'}
say [*] 1..5;

Now you should be able to evaluate Perl 6 code chunks:

```{perl, engine.path='perl6', comment='#=>', collapse=TRUE}
class Point {
    has $.x = 0;
    has $.y = 0;
    method distance-to-center() {
        return sqrt($!x**2 + $!y**2);

my $p = => 3, y => 4);
say $p.distance-to-center();

would be processed as follows:

class Point {
    has $.x = 0;
    has $.y = 0;
    method distance-to-center() {
        return sqrt($!x**2 + $!y**2);

my $p = => 3, y => 4);
say $p.distance-to-center();

#=> 5


This post was inspired from my desire for having an easy setup to transcribe lecture notes using vim. The notes might be sparkled with LATEX, some code snippets, and converted to .pdf file for reviewing along the way. rmarkdown’s easiness of use and extensive capabilities make it the right tool for this job.

To do the conversion from a .rmd to a .pdf file directly from vim, I have the following line, mapped to F5, in my .vimrc to ease the process:

autocmd Filetype rmd map <F5> :!echo<space>"require(rmarkdown);

As you can see, this is just loading the rmarkdown package in R, passing the current .rmd file to the function render and piping its result to R --vanilla to make the program non-interactive.

Note that you might need to have pandoc installed for this to work. As for the pandoc latex template, I use a slightly modified version of eisvogel.latex.

This is a sample of what the YAML preamble (for metadata) might look like for any of the notes:

title: "Perl 6 in rmarkdown"
author: "Luis F. Uceta"
date: Aug 13, 2018

        latex_engine: pdflatex
        toc: true
        template: eisvogel.latex

fontsize: 12pt
geometry: margin=1in 
linkcolor: red
urlcolor: blue

And this is the resulting pdf for this file with the previous YAML preamble and using the mentioned latex template. Please note that this pdf might not reflect the latest changes made to this post.

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