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Containers in Raku
Apr 3, 2020
19 minutes read

In programming languages, a variable is a way of associating a particular value with a name known to the compiler. For instance, take the variable declaration with its assignment, my $x = "Hello". This associates the value 42 with the name $x and while this is true for most intents and purposes, this isn’t the entire story in Raku.

In Raku, when the compiler encounters the variable declaration my $x, the compiler registers it in some internal symbol table. A symbol table generally provides object lookup by name and allows the compiler to get an object from the mention of its name in a program’s source code. In the case of my $x = "Hello", the lexical pad entry for the variable $x is a pointer to an object of type Scalar that serve as the container for the object "Hello". Pictorially, this could be represented as follows:

 Table      Container       Value
-------       +---+      +---------+
$x | *   ---> | * | ---> | "Hello" |
-------       +---+      +---------+

In the diagram, the cell (labeled *) in the symbol table is associated with the name $x. This is known as binding. Names are often bound to objects that serve as containers for other objects (e.g., Scalar as the container for the object "Hello"), but that isn’t necessarily always the case as we’ll see in the next section. For the moment, it suffices to say that names using the sigil $ make use of the Scalar container and can be bound to any object.

Item container

Let’s start off with sigilless variables. In Raku, a sigilless variable is a variable without a sigil and whose value isn’t containerized. They’re declared by using the escape character \ and we associate a value to them by using the binding operator (:=). For example:

my \y := 42;
say y; #=> «42␤»

Pictorially, this could be depicted as follows:

 Table           Value
-------        +---------+
y | *   --->   | "Hello" |
-------        +---------+

Sigilless variables are aliased to their values, and thus they aren’t bound to objects that serves as containers for their values. This is the case with the name y. The name is bound directly to the value 42, and thus no container sits between the variable’s name and the bound value. Another way of interpreting it is that both y and 42 now represents the literal value 42. This implies that after a name has been bound to a value, you cannot rebind it to something else:

42 := 45; #= Cannot use bind operator with this left-hand side
y := 45;  #= Cannot use bind operator with this left-hand side

The reason for the above is that the object representing the integer 42 will never change to represent another different object. In Raku, value types (and their instance objects) such as Int (e.g., 42) and Str (e.g., "Hello") are immutable.

How do we mutate a variable after a value has been bound to it? For starters, we can try getting hold of a Scalar container that will serve as a proxy between the variable’s name and the value. We can’t instantiate a Scalar via the new method, but the sigil $ is perfect for this task; the Scalar container type is associated with the sigil $ by default. Instead of a literal value, we bind a lexical Scalar container to the variable:

my \z := my $;
say z;   #=> «(Any)␤»
z := 42; # Cannot use bind operator with this left-hand side

However, this isn’t of much help as evidenced by the Cannot use bind operator... error. When we declared the variable z, the value of $ was bound to it and trying to rebind the variable will cause the same error as before. Hopefully this is clear by now but the reason is that we’re trying to rebind to a value (namely, a Scalar container); we cannot do that. However, we’re not far off the mark; what we want is to be able to replace a container’s value and not replace the container bound to the variable. This is where the assignment operator (=) operator comes in, as a close cousin of the binding operator (:=).

Unlike the binding operator which makes the variable and its bound value the same thing, the assignment operator places the value of the right-hand side into the container on the left-hand side of the assignment.

Let’s try again. Instead of trying to bind to the already declared variable, we’ll assign to it:

my \z := my $;

z = 42;
say z; #=> «42␤»

z = 45;
say z; #=> «45␤»

As illustrated above, we can now assign a value, as well as replace it with other value. We can even add a type constraint to the container:

my \z := my Int $; # Only values of type Int
z = 1;     # OK!
z = 'T';   # Error: Type check failed in assignment;
           # expected Int but got Str ("One")

The scalar sigil

We’ve created a variable that we can assign a value to and then change it via assignments. However, this seems to be a tedious process since we must declare a sigilless variable and then bind a Scalar container to it. As stated earlier, variables that are prefixed with the sigil $ have Scalar containers created for them automatically; these variables are known as scalar variables:

my $x;
$x = 42;

my Int $y;
$y = $x * 2;

my Str $z;
$z = 'Hello';

We can also bind to $-sigilled variables, in which case no Scalar container is created and the variable is an alias to the bound value. In this state, a $-sigilled variable is much like a sigilless variable. It wasn’t mentioned earlier but the truth is that sigilless variables always bind, regardless of whether binding (:=) or assignment (=) is used:

my $t := 1; # bind 1 to $t, no Scalar container created

my \u := 2; # bind 2 to u
my \v  = 2; # bind 2 to v

More about Scalar containers

Scalar containers delegate all operations to the value they contain. Whenever you use containers they use the value in them, and for most purposes they stay hidden and are invisible during ordinary use of Raku. For example, given:

my $nvalue := "hello"; # binding, no Scalar container
my $cvalue  = "hello"; # assignment, Scalar container

say $nvalue;              #=> «hello␤»
say $cvalue;              #=> «hello␤»

say $nvalue.substr(0, 2); #=> «he␤»
say $cvalue.substr(0, 2); #=> «he␤»

you’d have a hard time telling the difference between $nvalue and $cvalue. Unless you draw upon the features that containers provide such as assigning to variables, passing rw objects to a function, etc, you won’t notice their presence (or lack thereof). In order to check whether a variable is bound either to a value or a container, we can use the introspective pseudo-method VAR, which returns the underlying Scalar object, if any:

my $nvalue := "hello";
my $cvalue  = "hello";

say $nvalue.VAR;       #=> «Str␤»
say $cvalue.VAR;       #=> «Str␤», yep containers work hard to stay hidden.

say $nvalue.VAR.^name; #=> «Str␤»
say $cvalue.VAR.^name; #=> «Scalar␤»

So far, we’ve been able to bind both a single value and a container to a variable. How about binding a list of values to a variable? In Raku, we declare a literal list (List) of values using commas and/or semicolons:

my $evens := 2, 4, 8;
say $evens;              #=> «(2 4 8)␤» 
say $evens.VAR;          #=> «(2 4 8)␤»
say $evens.VAR.^name;    #=> «List␤»

say $evens[0];           #=> «2␤»
say $evens[0].VAR;       #=> «Int␤»
say $evens[0].VAR.^name; #=> «Int␤»

$even     := 3; # Cannot use bind operator with this left-hand side
$evens[2] := 6; # Cannot use bind operator with this left-hand side 
$evens.push(6); # Cannot use bind operator with this left-hand side 

As you can see, attempting to re-bind some value gets us an error, regardless of whether the value comes from a List or a literal value. In addition, we cannot modify the list by adding new values. This is how Lists manage to be immutable in Raku; neither the list itself nor its values can be mutated.

In order to create a list whose elements can be mutated, we can replicate the process we went through before with a single value: containerize each of the list’s slots (or at least, those that we need to be mutable), and bind the whole list to the variable. Thus, instead of a list of literal values, we end up with a list of Scalar objects that can be assigned to:

my $evens := my $ = 2, my $ = 4, my $ = 8;
say $evens;              #=> «(2 4 8)␤»
say $evens.VAR.^name;    #=> «List␤»
say $evens[0].VAR.^name; #=> «Scalar␤»
say $evens[0];           #=> «2␤»
$evens[2] = 6;           # OK
$evens.push(7);          # Cannot call 'push' on an immutable 'List'

We’ve containerized each of the list’s items, not the list itself. Therefore, while we can mutate each of its elements we cannot modify the list.

Each of the Scalar objects can also be type constrained:

my $evens := (my Int $ = 2, my Int $ = 4, my Int $ = 8);
$evens[2] = 6;      # OK!
$evens[1] = 'four'; # Typecheck failure

So far we’ve only added type constrains to containers holding values such as 2 and "Hi", however we can do the same for List. For a variable like $evens, we might need it only to hold a list of things which are accessed by their indexes. In Raku, there’s the Positional role for this task. This is the same role implemented by types such as List, Array, etc. that support indexing using the operator []. We could constrain the Scalar container to which we’d assign the list, however we don’t want the List containerized. Instead, we constrain the variable the List is bound to:

# This works
my Positional $evens := (my Int $ = 2, my Int $ = 4, my Int $ = 8);

# This doesn't work
my Positional $odds := 3;
# Type check failed in binding; expected Positional but got Int (2)

my Positional[Int] $ints := 3;
# Type check failed in binding; expected Positional[Int] but got Int (3)

The variable $evens ends up being a Positional variable whose value is a list with mutable items. It bears repeating that the list itself is immutable and only its elements are mutable. For example, you can neither add nor remove elements from the list.

The callable sigil

The & sigil implies a Callable type constraint for things that support to be called via the operator (), and it offers the same shortcuts for assignment which gives you a Callable and creates a Scalar for the value. Similar to the $ sigil, this sigil supports item-like assignment.

my &b := { $^x };
say &b.VAR;       #=> «-> $x { #`(Block|94463244345248) ... }␤»
say &b.VAR.^name; #=> «Block␤»

my &c = { $^x };
say &c.VAR;       #=> «-> $x { #`(Block|94463244345248) ... }␤»
say &c.VAR.^name; #=> «Scalar␤»

Aggregate containers

The positional sigil

Declaring a Positional variable whose value is a list with mutable items as done in the previous section looks awfully verbose. Thankfully, Raku provides some syntax to simplify it.

First, we don’t need to explicitly type constrain the variable with Positional. Instead of the sigil $, we can use the sigil @ to indicate that the variable has a Positional type constraint:

my @evens := 2 ;   # Type check failed in binding;
                   # expected Positional but got Int (2)

my Int @ints := 1; # Type check failed in binding;
                   # expected Positional[Int] but got Int (2)

my @odds := 1,;    # a single-element list,
                   # notice the trailing comma

Second, we’ll surround our comma-separated list with square brackets. This tells the compiler to create an Array instead of a List. Unlike a List, an Array is itself mutable and each of its elements are mutable because they’re all placed into Scalar containers automatically, just like we did manually in the previous section. By the way, we can surround our lists with parentheses but there are only needed where grouping is necessary; in Raku commas, not parentheses, create lists.

my @evens := [2, 4, 8];

say @evens.VAR;          #=> «[2 4 8]␤»
say @evens.VAR.^name;    #=> «Array␤»
say @evens[0].VAR.^name; #=> «Scalar␤»

@evens[2] = @evens[2] - 2; # OK!
@evens[3] = @evens[2] + 2; # OK!
@evens[4] = @evens[2] + 2; # OK!

say @evens; #=> «[2 4 6 8 10]␤»

Our code became a lot shorter, but we can still toss out a couple more characters by using assignment instead of binding. As demonstrated previously, assigning to a $-sigilled variable gives you a Scalar container for free. This is also the case while assigning to @-sigilled variable; it provides you with an Array container for free. If we switch to assignment, our previous code can become a lot shorter by dropping the square brackets altogether. We know they instruct the compiler to create an Array but this is already done by @ when performing an assignment:

my @evens = 2, 4, 8;

say @evens.VAR;          #=> «[2 4 8]␤»
say @evens.VAR.^name;    #=> «Array␤»
say @evens[0].VAR.^name; #=> «Scalar␤»

Literal Arrays are created with the array constructor [], however this isn’t needed if you’re assigning to a []-sigilled variable as demonstrated earlier.

say [2, 4, 8].VAR;          #=> «[2 4 8]␤»
say [2, 4, 8].VAR.^name;    #=> «Array␤»
say [2, 4, 8][0].VAR;       #=> «2␤»
say [2, 4, 8][0].VAR.^name; #=> «Scalar␤»

The associative sigil

Everything we’ve done so far can be applied to %-sigilled variables. The % sigil implies an Associative type constraint for name-based lookup via the operator {}, and it offers the same shortcuts for assignment which gives you a Hash container for the variable and creates Scalar containers for each of the values.

my %h :='a', 1, 'b', 2);
say %h.VAR;          #=> « => 1, b => 2))␤»
say %h.VAR.^name;    #=> «Map␤»
say %h<a>.VAR.^name; #=> «Int␤»

%h<a> = 12;          # Cannot modify an immutable Int (1)...

Maps are to Hashes as Lists are to Arrays; a map is immutable and neither the map itself nor its values can be mutated. This is because Maps don’t containerize their values. Unlike Lists that have a a simple list constructor, there isn’t a map constructor so we have to instantiate the Map class.

To get a mutable Map (known as a Hash), we can assign a Map to a %-sigilled variable which is similar to the assignment of a List to a @-sigilled variable in order to get an Array.

my %h ='a', 1, 'b', 2);
say %h.VAR;          #=> «{a => 1, b => 2}␤»
say %h.VAR.^name;    #=> «Hash␤»
say %h<a>.VAR.^name; #=> «Scalar␤»

%h<a> = 12;          # OK!
%h<c> = 25;          # OK!

Literal Hashes can be created with the hash constructor %(), however this isn’t needed if you’re assigning to a %-sigilled variable.

say %('a', 1, 'b', 2).VAR;          #=> «{a => 1, b => 2}␤»
say %('a', 1, 'b', 2).VAR.^name;    #=> «Hash␤»
say %('a', 1, 'b', 2)<a>.VAR;       #=> «1␤»
say %('a', 1, 'b', 2)<a>.VAR.^name; #=> «Scalar␤»


Along the way we learned that assignment to a $-sigilled variable gives you a free Scalar container. This applies to both single values (e.g, a number, a string, etc.) and aggregate values (e.g., a list of numbers, a list of strings, etc.).

For a $-sigilled variable, the assignment of an entire list (or any aggregate type for that matter) is still a single thing, namely a list, and it treats it as such. This is best demonstrated by comparing a List bound to a $-sigilled variable (in which case no Scalar is involved) and a List that is assigned to a $-sigilled variable (in which case an automatic Scalar container is created):

# Binding
my $list := (1, 2, 3);
say $list.raku;            #=> «(1, 2, 3)␤»
say "Item: $_" for $list;  #=> «Item: 1␤Item: 2␤Item: 3␤»

# Assignment
my $list = (1, 2, 3);
say $list.raku;            #=> «$(1, 2, 3)␤»
say "Item: $_" for $list;  #=> «Item: 1 2 3␤»

The raku method gives us an extra insight and shows us the second List with a $ before it, to indicate it’s containerized in a Scalar. More importantly, when we iterated over our Lists with the for loop, the second List resulted in just a single iteration: the entire List as one item. The Scalar container lives up to its name; scalar variables hold a single item regardless of the item’s complexity.

Recall that Arrays (and Hashes) create Scalar containers for each of their individual values. This means that if we nest things, even if we select an individual list or hash stored inside the Array (or Hash) and try to iterate over it, it’d be treated as just a single item:

my @things = (2, 4, 6), %(:France<Paris>, :Peru<Lima>);

say @things[0];           #=> «$(2, 4, 6)␤»
say @things[0].VAR.^name; #=> «Scalar␤»
say @things[1];           #=> «${:France("Paris"), :Peru("Lima")}␤»
say @things[1].VAR.^name; #=> «Scalar␤»

This is a testament to the consistency of Scalar containers. Single items, regardless of their structure, are still single items inside Scalar containers. For example, this is the behaviour that applies when you try to flatten an Array’s elements or pass them as an argument to a slurpy parameter:

my @things = (2, 4, 6), %(:France<Paris>, :Peru<Lima>);
my @mixed = 2, 4, 6, :France<Paris>, :Peru<Lima>;

say flat @things;    #=> «((2, 4, 6), {France => 'Paris', Peru => 'Lima'})␤»
say flat @things[0]; #=> «(2 4 6)␤»
say flat @things[1]; #=> «{France => 'Paris', Peru => 'Lima'}␤»

my &p = -> *@args { @args };

say p @things; #=> «(2 4 6)␤{France => 'Paris', Peru => 'Lima'}␤»
say p @mixed;  #=> «2 4 6 France => Paris Peru => Lima␤»

Binding vs Assignment

All the following might be quite evident from the discussion thus far but it’s still worthwhile to summarize it here.

Whenever you bind a right-hand side entity to a variable, the creation of a container (Scalar, Array, etc.) is skipped and the entity is bound directly to the variable, regardless of what the variable’s sigil might suggest. In a binding operation, the only thing a sigil gives away about the variable is the type of values that can be bound to it. The sigil @ implies the Positional role and only values of the types (List, Array, Range, and Buf) implementing that role can be bound to an @-sigilled variable. On the other hand, the sigil % implies the Associative role and only values of the types (Hash, Map, etc.) implementing this roles can be bound to a %-sigilled variable. The sigil & implies the Callable role. As for $, any value can be bound to a $-sigilled variable unless the variable has been constrained further. Sigilless variables don’t have sigils, and thus their bound values aren’t restricted to certain types.

# anything goes with $
my $anythinga         := 1;                # OK!
my $anythingb         := 1, 2;             # OK!
my $anythingc         := {A => 1, B => 2}; # OK!

my \anythinga         := 1;                # OK!
my \anythingb         := 1, 2;             # OK!
my \anythingc         := {A => 1, B => 2}; # OK!

# only positionals for @
my @only-positionala  := 1;                # Error
my @only-positionalb  := 1, 2;             # OK!
my @only-positionalc  := {A => 1, B => 2}; # Error

# only associatives for %
my %only-associativea := 1;                # Error
my %only-associativeb := 1, 2;             # Error
my %only-associativec := {A => 1, B => 2}; # OK!

On the other hand, an assignment 1) prompts the compiler to create an automatic container, which is dictated by the variable’s sigil, 2) stores whatever value in the container, and ultimately 3) binds the container to the variable.

Thus, the responsibility of a sigil during an assignment is twofold:

  • restrict the types of values that can be bound to the variable. For the sigil @, this means only values that implement the Positional role can be bound to a @-sigilled variable.

  • instruct the compiler to create the respective container for the sigil. For the sigil $, this means creating the Scalar container. And for the the sigil @, creating the Array container.


Previously we saw how the Scalar influences the behavior of flattening an Array’s elements or passsing them as an argument to a slurpy parameter. In these cases, we’d like to decontainerize our list and hash which is something accomplished by using the decont methodop (<>):

my @things = (2, 4, 6), %(:France<Paris>, :Peru<Lima>);
.say for @things[0];     #=> «(2 4 6)␤»
.say for @things[0]<>;   #=> «2␤4␤6␤»

.say for @things[1];     #=> «{France => 'Paris', Peru => 'Lima'}␤»
.say for @things[1]<>;   #=> «France => 'Paris'␤Peru => 'Lima'␤»

To decontainerize each element of an Array, we can simple hyper the decont methodop with the hyper operator »:

my @things = (2, 4, 6), %(:France<Paris>, :Peru<Lima>);
say flat @things»<>; #=> «2 4 6 France => Paris Peru => Lima␤»

my &p = -> *@args { @args };
say p @things»<>;    #=> «2 4 6 France => Paris Peru => Lima␤»

Nevertheless we could’ve avoided the containerization done by Array to our list and hash by simply binding the ourtermost list to the variable. Lists don’t place their items into containers so there would be nothing to decontainerize:

my @things := (2, 4, 6), %(:France<Paris>, :Peru<Lima>);
say flat @things; #=> «2 4 6 France => Paris Peru => Lima␤»

my &p = -> *@args { @args };
say p @things;    #=> «2 4 6 France => Paris Peru => Lima␤»

Creating custom containers

Custom containers can be created by using the Proxy class. This class takes two methods that allows you to set a hook that executes whenever a value is retrieved from a container (FETCH) or when it is set (STORE).

We create the Proxy object using the constructor method new and supply two named arguments for the methods FETCH and STORE:

  • The FETCH Callable gets called whenever a value is read from the container. The Callable is called with a single positional argument: the Proxy object itself.

  • The STORE Callable gets called whenever a value is stored into the container (i.e., when doing an assignment). The first positional argument to the Callable is the Proxy object itself, and the second argument is the value that was given to be stored.

The following example illustrates how to create a Proxy object that stores all even numbers assigned to the variable it’s bound to and return them when the variable’s contents are read. To avoid the Scalar containerization of the Proxy object, we bind it to the variable; alternatively we could’ve used a sigilless variable.

sub collect-evens {
    my @evens;
        STORE => method ($proxy: UInt \new) { @evens.push(new) if new %% 2 },
        FETCH => method ($proxy: ) { @evens  },

my $evens := collect-evens();
$evens = $_ for 0..10;

say $evens;           #=> [0 2 4 6 8 10]
say $evens.VAR;       #=> $[0 2 4 6 8 10]
say $evens.VAR.^name; #=> Proxy


I couldn’t have written this without the following write-ups. In fact, this article in and of itself is mostly a rehashing of what it’s discussed in those articles so definitely give them a read.

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